Seeing is not a real for your daily diet

n life, a lot of people believe their eyes. However, this principle does not necessarily apply in the field of nutrition. What you see and what you feel is not necessarily the truth. In this article, I help you to sum up those who are most likely to confuse people’s nutritional errors.

1, Lean meat does not contain fat

A lot of people because of the fear of obesity or high blood fat instead of “fat” select “lean meat”. In their eyes, lean meat does not contain fat, impunity can gobble down. In fact, the fat on the table can be divided into explicit and implicit fats. And lean meat contains fat, belong to recessive fat. There is a great difference in fat content in lean meat, which is generally changed between 0.4%~30%. This is because the fat content of animal muscle due to animal species, parts, and different ages have a great difference. For example, according to the Chinese food composition table, the fat content of lean pork is 6.2%.


2, There are “tendons” of the dishes to have dietary fiber

When it comes to food rich in dietary fiber, people often will first think of celery, cabbage, which are rich in coarse food taste bar vegetables. In fact, each plant cell has a cell wall, and the main component of the cell wall is cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin, they are all dietary fiber. Vegetable tendons are not the only source of fiber in vegetables, and food without gluten is likely to have a higher fiber content. For example, does not contain the sweet potato and soybean gluten, but their dietary fiber content is much higher than that of a reinforcement of Chinese cabbage.

3, No salty food without salt

Many people think that eating less salt is to eat less salty food. However, the composition of salt is sodium chloride, in addition, there are a variety of forms of sodium compounds. There are many foods to eat up is not salty, but actually added a lot of sodium or salt, such as white bread, cakes, biscuits, jelly, etc.. Bacon, sausage, salted fish and other food processing more salt. Therefore, the purchase of processed foods should pay attention to look at the label, as far as possible to select a low sodium content.

4, Not sweet fruit with less sugar

Referred to the “sugar”, people tend to be linked to the “sweet”. However, to determine how many “sugar” in the fruit on the taste is not reliable. Because the sweetness is not only related with the sugar level, but also with the type of sugar (sugar if sweeter than sucrose), the sour. Some are not sweet to eat fruit, such as pitaya and kiwi, taste is sour, but the data show that every 100 grams of Pitaya contains 13.3 grams of carbohydrate, every 100 grams of kiwifruit contains 14.5 grams of carbohydrate. Calculated according to the total amount of carbohydrates, these two kinds of fruits are really a high sugar food. In addition, high sugar content of fruit include apple, apricot, figs, oranges, grapefruit, litchi, banana, persimmon, red bayberry etc..


5, Milk white soup more nutritious

Many people believe that white matter is the protein, so milk white soup is the most nutritious, and the fact that it is not the case. Milk white just fat droplets evenly distributed in the water, the formation of an emulsion phenomenon. Generally speaking, the higher fat content, more easy to cook into white milk soup. And if you can boil soup, soup and nutritional value is not much.

6, The food must be stained when appear fade

Wash black rice water or mulberry black, is not because of being dyed? In fact, food fade is a very common phenomenon, which is mainly composed of pigment in food by dissolving. Black rice, black rice, black peanut, corn, black beans, black mulberry, purple sweet potato, purple cabbage, blueberries and other foods are rich in water-soluble pigment anthocyanin. Therefore, the purple food water fade, does not necessarily mean by dyeing, is likely to be its natural color.

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