Killer Tabata Workout Routine

Killer Tabata Workout Routine

Killer Tabata Workout Routine

Have you heard of Tabata interval training?

Tabata offers a unique approach to working out and exercising in intervals. Traditional High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) pretty much leaves the details up to you, requiring only that you alternate between intervals of high and low intensity continuously with little rest. The idea is to challenge your variable cardiovascular capacity and get you burning a ton of calories and fat.

At its core, Tabata is a type of interval training that’s founded on one particular pattern of intervals. For a more in-depth look at Tabata, read Tabata Interval Training here.

Here’s the approach that Tabata takes. One cycle of Tabata involves the following:

  • 20 seconds of high intensity exercise (as hard as you can go)
  • 10 seconds of low intensity (for cardio) or rest (for resistance training)
  • 20 seconds of high intensity exercise (as hard as you can go)
  • 10 seconds of low intensity (for cardio) or rest (for resistance training)
  • Repeat this pattern 3 more times, for a total of 8 alternations between high and low intensity or 4 minutes in total.

In just 4 minutes, you’ll find yourself working up a major sweat! Today, I’m offering up a diverse Tabata workout routine that incorporates both cardio and resistance (weight) training.

Here’s what you’re going to do…

Kill It with this Tabata Workout Routine!

This Tabata workout is about 30 minutes in length and incorporates 6 complete Tabata cycles of 4 minutes each, for a total body workout routine. Run through the following circuit, resting for 2 minutes between Tabata cycles.

Remember – for cardio, you 10 second rest periods should just bring you down to low intensity. But for resistance training, you want to take a 10 second rest.

Warm-Up – spend about 2 minutes warming up on a cardio machine, doing jumping jacks, or jumping rope.

Apply the above Tabata cycle to each of these exercises:

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