Seriously Tight Butt Workout

seriously tight butt workout

Seriously Tight Butt Workout

Summer’s finally here, and if you’re planning on hitting the beach or getting outdoors, you want to look your best. In addition to toning your abs and getting rid of the flab, you might also be thinking about tightening up your legs and glutes.

Let’s face it, whether it’s a good pair of jeans or a bathing suit, a tighter and firmer butt can do wonders for your physique.

It takes the right combination of cardio and resistance training. So in addition to getting about 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week, I’ve also come up with a butt tightening workout to take you all the way.

For optimal results, run through this workout twice a week, performing 3-4 sets of each exercise. Generally, try to stay in the range of 8-12 reps per set.

Here is the workout…

The Seriously Tight Summer Butt Workout

Dumbbell Squats – This is always a good place to start when it comes to getting tighter glutes. Stand with your legs at about shoulder width, and hold a dumbbell in front of you with both hands (for additional resistance, you can also hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides). Keeping your back straight and without leaning forward too far, lower your body as deep as possible, making sure to not let your knees pass your toes. Hold for a moment, slowly return to starting position, and repeat.

To view this exercise, click here.

Lateral Lunge – This is a twist on the standard lunge, but it helps target your glutes from a different angle. Stand with feet at shoulder width and hold a dumbbell in each hand. As you extend one leg out to the side, bend the opposite knee and lower into a lunge, leaning forward slightly but not letting your knee pass your toes. Return to starting and repeat on opposite side.

To view this exercise, click here.

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