The Best Cardio Workouts

the best cardio workouts

The Best Cardio Workouts

Looking for a new cardio routine to jumpstart your workout program? I’m offering up some killer new workouts to help get you back in the game – and on the road to seeing results!

Cardiovascular exercise is still a great workout option, whether your goal is burning fat, losing weight, or just overall health maintenance. Where most people go wrong with cardio is doing the same thing day in and day out. You need to change it up on a regular basis and try new things, otherwise you’ll find yourself in a plateau very quickly. Read my 5 Tips to Improve Your Cardio Workout here.

One way to get yourself out of the same old cardio routine is to get yourself off the treadmill (or the elliptical, or the stationary bike). Although these machines can be effective, especially when using an interval training approach, they don’t challenge your fitness in the best way possible.

Here are 3 of my best cardio workouts to get you moving…

3 New Cardio Workouts

1. The Fifty-Five Cardio Workout

This one is a total body cardio routine that can be adapted using pretty much any combination of exercises. You’re going to start out by doing one squat (suing body weight or dumbbells for resistance as desired) followed immediately by 10 push-ups. Rest for 15-20 seconds, then do 2 squats followed by 9 push-ups. Rest again, and do 3 squats followed by 8 push-ups. Keep repeating this pattern until you get down to 10 squats and 1 push-up, at which point you’ll have completed 55 reps of each exercise.

2. The 10-Meter Sprint Workout

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