Kettlebell Workout Routines

kettlebell workout routines

Kettlebell Workout Routines

Kettlebell workouts have gained in popularity over the last few years, and for good reason.

Kettlebells – small cast-iron weights designed for ballistic exercises – are extremely versatile pieces of workout equipment. Available in many different sizes for varying resistance, they can be effectively used in both strength and flexibility training, or in exercises that combine strength and cardiovascular training. Whether your goal is weight loss, toning, or building muscle, these routines offer killer results.

In particular, they can be very useful in high intensity interval training, or HIIT. For more information, see my article on HIIT here.

I often introduce kettlebells relatively early on with my clients, once they become comfortable with the basics of resistance training. If you have the right form, balance, and technique down, you can safely introduce kettlebell exercises into your strength training workout.

Here are 3 kettlebell workout routines to get you started…

Kettlebell Workout Routines

Kettlebell Workout Routine 1 – Upper Body

This workout is all focused on your arms, back, shoulders, and chest, giving you a complete upper body workout. For each exercise, do 3 sets at 8-12 reps (depending on your workout goals) at an appropriate weight.

  • Kettlebell Bicep Curls – Grip a kettlebell in each hand and alternate between underhanded curls.
  • Kettlebell Chest Press – Lying face up on a workout bench, grip a kettlebell in each hand and perform a traditional chest press.
  • Kettlebell Rows – Bending your knees, lean forward slightly at your waist and hold your back straight. Holding a kettlebell in each hand, engage in a row, pulling each eight into your torso.
  • Kettlebell Tricep Extension – Grip a kettlebell with both hands and perform a seated tricep extension.
  • Kettlebell Lifts – Stand upright, holding a kettlebell with both hands towards the ground. With a straight back, lift the kettlebell up to chest height, engaging your shoulders and back.

Kettlebell Workout Routine 2 – Lower Body & Core

This workout is all focused on your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. For each exercise, do 3 sets at 8-12 reps at an appropriate weight.

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