12 Week Workout Program – Get Seriously Toned

12 Week Workout Program

12 Week Workout Program

Want to step up your game but not sure how? If you’re feeling like you’ve hit a plateau and can’t make the gains you’d like at the gym, this 12 week workout program is destined to give you some seriously toned up results.

12 Week Workout Program – Staying Motivated

Getting fit and staying fit take a lot of motivation. So before we get to the workout program, it’s important to think about motivation. Coming up with a detailed plan like this one is a big part of sticking it through, but you should also have back up plans in place for days when you may not make it to the gym, or for times when your mood isn’t quite right.

To help you through it, I recommend taking a look at my article Instant Motivation: Best 5 Pre-Workout Drinks. Preworkout drinks are a gaurantee to boost your motivation and give you serious results.

Speaking about serious results, I’d like to challenge you to take it one step further and grab my recent release of the 30 Day Body Transformation Challenge where I take your hand and walk you through weekly workout routines and meal plans to get your abs, thighs, butt, arms and chest totally toned up. Do it now as I have a time limited Promo Code “3030” for you to get an additional 30% off this full package.  I’ll also offer a full money back guarantee so if you don’t get the results you want then you’ll have nothing to lose but just fat.

30 day Transformation Promo

12 Week Workout Program – The Right Diet

When it comes to getting in killer shape, you also need to think about a diet that supports your workout goals.

Since this 12 week workout program is pretty geared towards strength training and building muscle, I’m going to recommend my full meal plan guide – Sexy Flat Abs Meal Plan. It offers a comprehensive full 7 day meal plan which will be the best money you’ve ever spent on yourself because there is no way you won’t get results.

Now let’s get to the program…

12 Week Workout Program – The Plan

This 12 week workout program is focused on building strength and developing your lean muscle mass. I’ve also incorporated a lot of flexibility into the program, so that you can use it to meet your own workout needs and goals. Here’s a rough guide for number of sets and reps, which I’m going to leave up to you:

  • Toning Up and Burning Fat – 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps each, per exercise
  • Building Strength and Lean Muscle – 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps each, per exercise
  • Building Mass and Getting Ripped – 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps each, per exercise

I’m breaking the program into three 4-week periods. The goal is to continue challenging your body at the end of every block.

Weeks 1 to 4

The first 4 weeks are going to get you to the gym 4 days a week. You’re going to alternate between upper and lower body to really ensure that you have a strong foundation for the rest of the program. I recommend hitting the gym on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday, making sure you keep Wednesday as a rest and recovery day.

Days 1 and 3: Upper Body

  • Cardio Warm-Up: 15 minutes on machine of choice
  • Dumbbell Chest Press (view exercise)
  • Cable Lat Row (view exercise)
  • Barbell Bicep Curl (view exercise)
  • Tricep Rope Extension (view exercise)
  • Seated Shoulder Press (view exercise)
  • Back Extension (view exercise)

Days 2 and 4: Lower Body

  • Cardio Warm-Up: 15 minutes on machine of choice
  • Front Dumbbell Squat (view exercise)
  • Lateral Lunge (view exercise)
  • Seated Leg Curl (view exercise)
  • Standing Calf Press (view exercise)
  • Ab Crunch on Stability Ball (view exercise)
  • Oblique Crunch on Stability Ball (both sides) (view exercise)

Weeks 5 to 8

The second part of this program is all about increasing focus. You’re still going to hit the gym 4 days a week, but each day is going to be focused on a particular group of muscles. This will help develop your training and challenge your muscles in a new way. For this period, any 4 days of the week will work.

Day 1: Back and Biceps

  • Cardio Warm-Up: 20 minutes on machine of choice
  • One-Arm Dumbbell Row (view exercise)
  • Barbell Bicep Curl (view exercise)
  • Lat Pulldown (view exercise)
  • Cable Lat Row (view exercise)
  • Seated Bicep Curl on Incline Bench (view exercise)
  • Back Extension (view exercise)

Day 2: Chest and Triceps

  • Cardio Warm-Up: 20 minutes on machine of choice
  • Dumbbell Chest Press (view exercise)
  • Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (view exercise)
  • Dumbbell Chest Flyes (view exercise)
  • Seated Tricep Dumbbell Extension (view exercise)
  • Tricep Rope Extension (view exercise)
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes (view exercise)

Day 3: Abs and Core

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