The One Set Fat-Loss Exercise Plan

The One Set Fat-Loss Exercise Plan

Results Are Just Around the Corner

As you already know, all workouts are not created equally, and that’s a good thing. The best results are attained with a workout program that is diverse and varied, even when your primary goal is to burn fat.

Over time, your body and your metabolism get used to the same exercises, and eventually your results start slowing down. In the worst case scenario, you’ll hit what fitness experts refer to as a plateau – a period of time where you stop making any further progresses at the gym and this can be incredibly frustrating.

Without a doubt this results from repetition in your routine. Even if you’re still working up a sweat, it may not be enough to keep seeing results long-term. The biggest factor is change, and keeping your body guessing a little.

Today, we’re going change things up and get you set up with a one set fat-loss exercise plan. The goal of this routine is to introduce you to a bunch of new fat-burning exercises that you can incorporate into your program. With only one set per exercise, you’ll be able to fit in a ton of new stuff and keep challenging yourself throughout.

So whether you’re looking for something new or just feeling a little stuck, give this one set plan a try.

Change Things Up with this One Set Fat-Loss Plan

Remember, you’re only going to do one set per exercise. Once you reach your max repetitions, take a 30 second to 1 minute break, and move on to the next exercise. When it comes to number of repetitions, I’m offering you some recommendations below, but the more you can do the better.

For this plan, start with a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill or elliptical. Then get to it:

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