The 15-Minute Runner Workout

The 15-Minute Runner Workout

Get a Faster, Stronger Run in 5 Moves

If you’re a runner or just looking to enhance your cardio endurance, throw this 15-minute workout into the mix.

Running is one of the more high impact exercises you can engage your body in. For this reason, you should be thinking about how the rest if your workout program can strengthen and improve your running.

This is important not only for getting a better run, but also for preventing injury and unnecessary strain.

And if you’re not a runner, you should still be engaging in some kind of cardiovascular exercise, whether it’s walking, stair climbing, or cycling.

This 15-minute workout is designed to strengthen your lower body in a way that improves your cardio performance and makes it easy for you to get better and better.

Ready to kick it up a notch?

15-Minute Workout to Boost Your Running and Cardio Potential

Run through 2 to 3 sets of these exercises each week, making sure you work at maximum output for the best results.  To improve your energy outputs make sure to try a B vitamin like NOW B-100 and a natural creatine powder like – Kre-a-fem or Optimum Creatine Powder as they’re both proven to help with burning fat for energy and giving you that extra edge.

By the way, if you have knee pain make sure to warm up adequately and take the only supplement that has been proven to be effective in lubricating your joints – NOW Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM.

1. Knee Tucks on Bench

Find a workout bench and balance against it with your forearms and your legs extended out behind you. Your toes should be balanced against the floor and your legs straight. Look forward so you don’t strain your neck. Lift your right foot off the floor and bring your right knee up into your torso, bending at the knee. Hold here for one count, return to starting, and repeat with opposite leg. Keep alternating between legs until you reach muscle fatigue.

To view this exercise, click here.

2. Jump Squats

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