Summer Water Workout in 8 Moves

Summer Water Workout in 8 Moves

Working Out with Water!

Looking for a fun and effective new workout this summer? Check out this simple water workout to keep you fit and toned.

Summer is probably the best time to stay active and fit, and if you can combine it with a little fun, you’re doing even better. Water is especially effective when it comes to fitness, because it automatically provides some resistance. So even without adding weight of any kind, you can condition your muscles and burn fat, all while staying cool.

If you have an injury of any kind, or are currently going through a rehabilitation, then aquatic fitness is the ideal choice. It removes the impact, and is much easier on your joints.

This water workout can be done in just 15 minutes. All you need is a pool, so hit your local community center, your gym, or your backyard. The only pieces of equipment you’ll need are a bathing suit and a pool noodle.

The 15-Minute Water Workout

This aquatic workout will make use of both shallow and slightly deeper waters, but you can make things work no matter the size of depth of the pool. Of course you can easily combine it with your regular pool workout, and build on it as you see fit.

Cycle through these 8 moves, resting for no more than 15 seconds in between, and repeat as desired.

1. Spiderman Climb

Stand in the water at the edge of the pool, stabilizing your upper body as you move your arms back and forth. Your feet should be off the bottom to start, to really engage your upper body. Keeping yourself in position, run your feet up the side of the pool, then back down again. Repeat 4 times for a total of 5 reps. Perform 2 sets.

2. Pool Plank

Get in the shallow end, and grab a pool noodle. Grip it with both hands and extend your legs and feet straight behind you as you balance the top of your toes against the pool floor. The goal is to make a straight line with your neck, back, hips, and legs as you balance on the noodle, holding your head above water. Hold here for 1 minute, rest, and repeat twice.

3. Cross-Current Cardio

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