Kate Hudson Workout

Kate Hudson Workout Routine

Kate Hudson Workout

Kate Hudson is no stranger to success, and this is true of both her acting career and her personal fitness.

As a Golden Globe winner, Kate has remained a prominent sex figure in Hollywood, with roles in such movies as Almost Famous, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and Bride Wars. Through it all, she’s also remained incredibly toned and fit. Without a doubt, this is an actress who knows how to stay in shape.

Today, we’re going to look at a workout to keep you in as sexy-hot shape as Kate Hudson. This is an excellent workout if you’re looking to trim some fat, tone up, and increase your overall strength.

The Kate Hudson Routine to Get You Fit and Toned

Word has it that Kate Hudson maintains her healthy physique by doing a lot of total body work and Pilates exercises. In fact, she’s been doing Pilates for over 15 years now!

So I’ve designed a core body workout that incorporates the principles of Pilates. By engaging in some simple but challenging exercises, you can totally achieve a physique like that of Kate Hudson.

Ready to get in shape?

Perform one set of each exercise, then repeat up to 3 more times depending on your goals. Rest for no more than 45 seconds between sets.

1. Lower Ab Bicycle Crunch

Lying face-up on a workout mat, extend your legs straight up towards the ceiling, bending at your hips. Slowly and in control, lower one leg towards the floor, bringing it as close as possible without touching. Hold here for 5 counts, then lift to starting and repeat with opposite leg. Continue alternating from side to side, completing 12 reps on each side.

To view this exercise, click here.

2. Side Plank Crunches

Get into a side plank position, resting on your forearm and side of your foot, creating a straight line with your neck, torso, and legs. Once in a stable position, bend your torso and lift your hips toward the ceiling, engaging your core muscles. Hold in the upper position for 3 counts, then lower slowly. Repeat, performing 15 reps on each side.

To view this exercise, click here.

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